Why choose an independent agency like Flatirons Insurance Group?

Independent agents work for you! We check on options with many companies and let you choose the best fit for you. The “other guys” have only one option, and have to convince you it’s the right fit.

Working with an independent agency allows you to change insurance providers without changing agents, we want to become your agent for life!

You don’t have to go shopping to see if there is a better deal, we’ll do that for you, at no charge!

Common misunderstanding

Won’t having an independent agent working for me cost extra money?

NO! Insurance companies pay small commissions to agents and that does not impact the price.

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Flatirons Insurance Group

We are an independent insurance agency serving all of Colorado. We offer home, auto, life, business and other specialty insurance.

© 2017-2024 Flatirons Insurance Group

Let's Chat


8181 Arista Place,
Broomfield, CO 80021